Find personalised solutions for a wide variety of face-related skin conditions. From issues like uneven skin texture and weak chin to pigmentation and signs of ageing, our treatments are tailored to address your specific needs. We guarantee natural-looking results that help you feel your best.

All the information you need to target key areas and help improve your overall silhouette. Whether you’re dealing with stubborn fat deposits, skin laxity, or other aesthetic concerns, you can utilise the latest, non-invasive technologies such as the laser-based T-Shape 2 and B-Force to get the shape you want. Discover how our holistic approach can help you achieve a more toned body.




I cannot recommend NU-U highly enough. I have had my “Vampire Facelift” done by both Dr Rai and Dr Punater and each time it has had an amazing effect on my skin. I’m so glad I have found these doctors. They are welcoming and know exactly how to make your skin so much more radiant.

— Geri

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