Forehead lines are one of the most common areas treated with products such as toxins and Azzalure®. Lines on foreheads are inevitable and as we age, we get more and often deeper lines. They make us look older and more stressed.
Forehead lines or wrinkles run horizontally across the forehead and are caused primarily by the contraction of the Frontalis muscle which is the main muscle of forehead expression. The muscle tends to contract when we express surprise or laughter, but as we age the lines can become permanent and can serve as an indicator of increasing age. The rate at which this occurs depends on many factors including age, genetics, and smoking history. At NU-U we have extensive experience in treating the appearance of such lines in order to create a fresher and more youthful look whilst at the same time maintaining the ability to express emotions in a natural way. We can soften the lines and relax the muscles by varying degrees and the choice can be made at any point in the consultation process.