A Gummy Smile is when the upper lip elevates far above a person’s upper teeth, exposing the gums. This can occur for several reasons. One such cause is hyperactive muscles elevating the upper lip. Occasionally, the gummy smile is also exacerbated by a thin upper lip that further contributes to the problem by exposing the upper gum even more. A gummy smile may affect an individual’s confidence, not allowing them to smile fully.
Fortunately, gummy smiles can be simply and effectively corrected by specialist injections to reduce the activity of the muscle that elevates the upper lip. Our clients find that they are then able to smile fully and more naturally. Some clients may also want to improve the size of their lips to correct the space between the lips and teeth and this is done with Dermal Filler. Treatments may be combined if wanted and the outcome is to bring the upper lip down to cover the gums giving a natural and beautiful smile.